Brief : A simple and clean identity shall communicate the purity of thought, clean and quality food.
Brand archetype -
Innocent : wholesome, pure, trustworthy, honest, optimistic
Caregiver : selfless supportive, generous, nurturing, altruistic
Process : After some internal discussions, the name Annapoorna was aptly chosen as it is the Indian goddess of nourishment.

Our initial thoughts were along these keywords or guides-
Food for the soul
Goddess Annapoorna’s golden pot and ladle
Health Pyramid
Pure and Fresh
Mother’s nurturing care
Food for growth
Serving and receiving
The Bowl of Compassion
These thoughts visually translated thus :

After discussing these with our client it was mutually agreed to pick the three directions that had potential and develop those further. After some more rework these were the qualifying ones :

However at this stage too, we still felt there was more that could be explored. The pot and the ladle concept was interesting but not there yet. The health pyramid needed a bit more to it. The mother's hand was just not it.
So we started looking for fresh ideas along with working further upon these ones...
The pot and the ladle went through a series of form corrections to make it look a little less forced and more comfortable visually.

It finally looked close.

The pyramid concept looked better integrated and proportionate.

Besides these, some more routes were developed.
+Motherly nutrition+

+Joy of Giving+

+Nutrition for Better Life+

+Motherly Love+

This is where the story of this project was left hanging and we wonder as we look back, if it was to be then which one would it be?
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